The Dream Team is a group of incredible people who have discovered their gifts and passions and are actively serving in them. The mission of the Dream Team is to build the body of Christ by each person fulfilling their calling and serving to make an eternal difference.

As a Dream Team, we serve with the following four guiding values:

  1. Love God
  • We commit ourselves to spending time with the Lord daily in Worship, Word, and Prayer.
  • We are passionate about the presence of God and live a life that reflects the love of Christ.
  1. Love People
  • We have a genuine love for people; those we serve and those we serve with.
  • We commit to growing relationally with our Dream Team members. People’s hearts and lives are more important than their gifts and abilities.
  1. Pursue Excellence
  • We continually develop the talents and gifts that God has given us.
  • We seek, welcome, and embrace constructive feedback.
  1. Choose Joy
  • We let the joy of the Lord be our overflow to others.
  • We endeavor to have the mind of Christ.
  • We approach life with an attitude of humility and create an atmosphere of fun.

Our purpose is to allow the Holy Spirit to use each member, together with particular gifts and talents, to lead the congregation to praise and worship God and to magnify the Lord Jesus Christ.

Already a member?  Interested in serving?