The Fruit of the Holy Spirit

The fruit of the [Holy] Spirit [the work which His presence within accomplishes] is love, joy (gladness),

peace, patience (an even temper, forbearance), kindness, goodness (benevolence), faithfulness,

[23] Gentleness (meekness, humility), self- control (self-restraint, continence). Against such things there is no law [that can

bring a charge].

Galatians 5:22-23 AMPC

Believers who are obedient to the Holy Spirit’s leading bear the fruit of the Spirit, which is an inward gift that makes their lives a beautiful mirror of Christ’s godly nature and character. People can only bear the heavenly fruit described in Galatians 5 if they are continually washed clean from sin and are walking in friendship with the Father. We act in our own power when we let ourselves be swept up in our own political beliefs, socially acceptable ideals, and personal goals.

No amount of human labor will ever bear spiritual fruit. Despite their inherent goodness and praiseworthiness, works performed for God do not constitute the fruit of the Spirit. A believer’s character and nature should reflect that of the living Christ, and a child of God exemplifies Christlikeness by being in constant fellowship with Him. Every one of the nine traits that make up the fruit of the Spirit paints a picture of the Lord Jesus Christ.

“The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control.” A Christian can’t exhibit one of the character traits that make up the fruit of the Spirit while missing the others. There are not nine distinct fruits of the Spirit, which believers may or may not experience, but one indivisible fruit. Although these nine distinct attributes can be identified and described independently, they are each part of a whole. Some believers excel in gentleness but lack self-control or excel in joy but are remiss in patience. If we lack in one area, we lack in all. For the fruit of the Spirit to be shown in a believer’s life, that individual must be fully dedicated to God and receptive to the Spirit.

Reflection: How does your life demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit? With the help of the Holy Spirit, determine that you will develop in all the fruit of the Spirit.

Prayer: Dear Father, I want to be like the Lord Jesus and show the fruit of His Spirit in my life. If there are parts of me that are stopping spiritual fruit from growing, please cut them out. May I grow in grace and only do things that please You, for Your praise and glory.

Upcoming Connect 21 Events

  1. Prayer School, Wednesday, Jan 15th via YouTube (
  2. Saturday Morning Prayer (Jan 18th @ 9 am at The Way Woodstock 110 Mill Street Woodstock, GA 30188)
  3. Sunday Morning Service (Jan 19th @ 10 am at River Ridge High School)