Who Is the Holy Spirit? 

When the Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener,Standby) comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, that is the Spirit of Truthwho comes from the Father,

He will testify and bear witness about Me.

John 15:26 AMP

In John 15:1, Jesus tells His disciples to proclaim the gospel everywhere, regardless of the challenges they may face, such as being persecuted and facing hatred. He promises that the Holy Spirit will always be present with them as a source of strength, guidance, comfort, intercession, and advocacy. Also, the Holy Spirit would serve as a reminder of what Jesus taught them.

The commission Jesus gave (Matthew 28:16–20) has not changed. All believers must understand the Holy Spirit’s many functions and know how to receive the support He provides. 

Roles of the Holy Spirit

  • The Holy Spirit is our Comforter. When we experience difficulties, He provides moments of peace that surpass our natural understanding. During times of distress and tribulation, He reminds us that we are never alone.
  • He is our Advocate. He defends us and fights for what the Father has in store for us, which is always in our best interest according to His divine plan.
  • He is our wise Counselor, who guides us into all truth and gives us wisdom in our decision-making process.
  • He is our Strengthener and empowers us to overcome and prevail over the weaknesses of our flesh so we can live victoriously.
  • He is our Standby, ready to assist us whenever we need His aid. 

As we purpose in our hearts to be still in the presence of God and to pay attention to His Word, we must rely on the Holy Spirit to be everything Jesus said He is so we can live lives of victory. We are not fighting for victory—we already have it. 

Reflection: What role of the Holy Spirit have you relied upon the least? What steps can you take to allow Him more freedom to operate in this season? 

Prayer: Father, help me to embrace and understand the role of the Holy Spirit in every area of my life. Thank You for sending me a Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor, Counselor, Strengthener, and Standby through the abiding presence of the Holy Spirit. In the name of Jesus, amen. 

Upcoming Connect 21 Events

  1. Prayer School, Wednesday, Jan 8th via YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@linkedupnorth)
  2. Saturday Morning Prayer (Jan 11th @ 9 am at The Way Woodstock 110 Mill Street Woodstock, GA 30188)
  3. Sunday Morning Service (Jan 12th @ 10 am at River Ridge High School)